Saturday, December 03, 2011

Work At Home Tips For Moms and Dads

A Work At Home Job is perfect for parents of young children. But it might not be perfect for you. To be successful working from home, you need to have self-discipline, motivation, and support from the rest of the family. The following tips can help a work at home mom or dad keep their sanity by helping you deal with the different issues brought up by working at home.

* Set Your Work Hours, and More Importantly, Stick to Them.

Home Tips

If you know that you are going to be free from the hours of 10 AM to 2 PM on weekdays - then work from 10 to 2. Get things done during that time, that way you won't feel guilty about spending time with the family in the evening because you know you got your work done. Sometimes you might feel like your working 24/7, and not really getting much done, but by setting your own hours and sticking with them - you'll start to see tremendous progress in your home based business.

* Give Everyone At Home Their Own Office

It's easy to become distracted while your working at home if your three year old wants to constantly sit in mommy's lap. Set her up with her own little desk and let her do 'office' work while mommy is working. Give her some crayons and stickers - some play-doh and let her get her work done too.

* Plan Big or Important Projects Around Child Care

Regular office and business tasks like stuffing envelopes or writing emails or internet research can be accomplished with the kids running around. But if you have a bigger task like an important business call or more focused work like writing, then be sure to schedule a few hours where you can work without having the kids screaming and running around. If you need to - trade a few hours a week with another mom so that you'll both have some alone time to get things done.

* Take Yourself Seriously And Others Will As Well

Even if you like to work in a t-shirt and barefeet, take yourself and what you are doing seriously. If you begin to thing of yourself as a businessperson, the people around you will as well and will respect the boundaries that you need to run a successful home based business.

Work At Home Tips For Moms and Dads

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